
Here is a list of my oral and poster presentations:


  • Shedding Light on Linguistic Shadows: A Cross-Lingual experiment on the Transparency of Nominal Compounds in Large Language Models.
    Zgreabăn, M., Stasica, A., Reguera-Gómez, C., & Paperno, D.
    Workshop “The semantic transparency of morphologically complex words” of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea.
    21st August 2024.

  • LIDIA: A Database for Linguistic Diagnostics.
    Vinke, J., Archimandriti, S., Reguera-Gómez, C., Baarda, T. & Mossel, A.
    Dutch Annual Linguistics Day 2024 (Grote Taaldag 2024)
    2nd February 2024.

  • Deviating from the Standard: Evaluating Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API’s Recognition of Rural Spanish Speech.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    MLLI Research Day of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
    17th November 2023.

  • Extracting Scenario Knowledge in LLMs: A Case Study with ChatGPT in English and Spanish.
    Reguera-Gómez, C. & Brandsen, M.
    74th Student Conference on Linguistics (StuTS, Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft)
    27th October 2023.

  • An Exploration of Translanguaging on Social Media by Hispanic International Students in the United States.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    32nd Computational Linguistics Student Conference (TaCoS, Tagung der Computerlinguistik-Studierenden)
    29th June 2023.

  • An Exploration of how Spanish Children Acquire the Semantic Diference Between Ser and Estar.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    GSLING’s Spring 2023 Student Research Symposium of the University of South Carolina
    8th April 2023.

  • Discourse Analysis on Social Media of Spanish-Speaking International Students in American Universities.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    16th Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAELPG) of Lancaster University.
    27th June 2022.

  • Beyond Anglo-Saxon English: A Perspective from Fulbright Scholars on Including World Englishes in the EFL Classroom.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    Once and Future English Conference of the University of Notre Dame.
    10-12th March 2022.

  • Creating Identities through Translanguaging: Exploring the Case of Spanish Heritage Speakers in the United States.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    MLLI Research Day of the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
    19th November 2021.

  • Beyond Anglo-Saxon English: A Perspective from Fulbright Scholars on Including World Englishes in the EFL Classroom.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    MLLI Research Day of the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
    13th November 2020.

  • Speech Personae: The Ethnography of Speaking as a Field of Study.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    3rd Postgraduate and Early-Career Scholars’ Conference of the University of Salamanca.
    17th-18th May 2019.


  • Natural Chatbots: Designing an Intuitive Healthcare Conversational Agent by Studying the Role of Empathy in Generated Messages.
    Reguera-Gómez, C., de Boer, M.H.T. & Paperno, D.
    34rd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN)
    30th August 2024.

  • Developing a User-Friendly Healthcare Chatbot.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    Linguistics Thesis Fair of Utrecht University.
    13th June 2023.

  • LIDIA: Linguistic Diagnostics Database.
    Baarda, T., Mossel, A., Vinke, J., Reguera-Gómez, C., Archimandriti, S., & Odijk, J.
    CLARIAH Conference 2024
    13th June 2024.

  • When Good is not that Good: Exploring Scalar Implicatures in the Context of Face-Threatening Acts.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    21st Linguistics Conference for Ph.D Students (STaPs, SprachwissenschaftlicheTagung für Promotionsstudierende).
    29th February 2024.

  • Greetings, extraterrestrial visitor!: Extracting Scenario Knowledge in Chat-GPT.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    LOT Summer School 2023.
    3rd July 2023.

  • Speech Recognition of Rural Spanish Using Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    43rd TABU Dag of the University of Groningen.
    16th June 2023.

  • Scalar Faces: Revisiting Scalar Implicatures Through Politeness Theory.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    73rd Student Conference on Linguistics (StuTS, Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft).
    28th May 2023.

  • ¿Ser o Estar?: Exploring how Children Acquire the Semantic Difference of Copular Verbs in Spanish.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    19th Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research Workshop (EMLAR XIX) of Utrecht University.
    18th April 2023.

  • The Effect of Stress on the Dissimilation of the Spanish Copulative Conjunction.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    LOT Winter School 2023
    9th January 2023.

  • Creating Identities through Translanguaging: Exploring the Case of Spanish Heritage Speakers in the United States.
    Reguera-Gómez, C.
    14th Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) of Georgetown University.
    18th February 2022.